Florida State University College of Medicine
Grand Rounds
Title of topic: Enhancing the Purpose of Food

June 24, 2024
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Durell Peaden Auditorium

Light reception to follow in atrium

Presented by

Patrick J. Stover, Ph.D.

Patrick J. Stover, Ph.D.
Founding Director, Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture
Distinguished Professor, Texas A&M University


Historically, food systems were designed to reduce hunger by producing food in abundance, such that food was plentiful, affordable, and accessible. Presently, food systems have the additional expectation of supporting human health and lowering rates of diet-related chronic disease, which is a major driver of health care costs that disproportionately affect underserved populations. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have initiated research initiatives in “Precision Nutrition” and “Food Is Medicine” to build the evidence base for diet- and food-based policies and programs that reduce chronic disease prevalence, but transformational advances in knowledge are needed to ensure their effectiveness. As highlighted in recent National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine reports, achieving these outcomes will require knowledge of the complex, dynamic systems associated with food, nutrients, and human health. Furthermore, advancements in understanding fundamental biological systems and their dynamics, and the development of next generation sensors, biomarkers, and data science applications will be essential to position food as the solution to human health. This presentation will address the opportunities and challenges in addressing some of our most pressing societal challenges through food systems, using the experiences of folic acid fortification as an illustrative example.

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